District Crime Records Bureau
0495 - 2725171                                      acpdcrbkkd.pol@kerala.gov.in
11.254082 75.782173
The District Crime Records Bureau Kozhikode City came into existence as per GO (MS) No. 69/89/Home dated 08-05-1989. Earlier this Unit was known as DCIB. The District Crime Record Bureau is headed by an Assistant Police Commissioner. The Single Digit Finger Print Bureau, Scientific Officer, Dog Squad, Photographic Bureau and Bomb Squad are attached to DCRB. Collection, Analysis and Dissemination of the crime data and rendering expert advice to Police Stations is the core function of the District Crime Records Bureau. DCRB has direct supervision on the functioning of the Finger Print Bureau, Department photographer, the Scientific Officer and Distric Cyber Cell.They visit the scenes of crime in important cases and assist the investigation, which needs scientific aids .